Svetlana Spajić is one of the best known and influential female traditional singers. For 30 years she is dedicated to safeguarding Serbian cultural heritage, studying, and learning in the field from elderly traditional singers. In her opinion working with elderly traditional singers is the core of understanding traditional living culture.
Her repertoire of Serbian archaic music covers almost all regions in which Serbs live or were living – from White Carniola in Slovenia, via Dalmatia, Kordun, Slavonija and Baranja in Croatia, Bosnian Krajina, to Podrinje, Šumadija, Timok Krajina in Eastern Serbia and Sirinićka Župa and Šara mountain on the South of Serbia. She favours old music tradition “groktalice” from Žegar area, “na glas” singing from her native Podrinje region, and singing on Ozren mountain in Bosnia.
Svetlana participated in numerous national and international musical and theatrical projects. She also performed with many international artists. In 2011 she was one of music authors and performers in theatrical project “Life and death of Marina Abramović” directed by Robert Wilson.
Svetlana Spajić performed concerts and kept lectures in prestigious concert halls and institutions in Europe and the world, as well as at numerous festivals abroad. For her contribution in safeguarding traditions and spiritual heritage of Serbs in Krajina in 2010 she was decorated with highest award of Serbs in Krajina – “Ring of artistic brotherhood of Krka Monastery”.
From 2009 Svetlana leads Svetlana Spajić Singing Group who released two albums under Multimedia Music label. Also, her group recorded albums with traditional singers Olga Krasojević and Smilja Kotur.
As editor-in-chief she contributed releases of traditional musicians Obrad Milić and Bokan Stanković under WMAS label. One of her most influential albums is „Žegar Živi” (Cloudvalley, London, 2008).